Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Greek FlagA 2x2x2 with the greek flag and a strange property.
Green tea canPuzzle can from Japan depicting an unknown drink.
Greenhill's 1Another beautiful Square-1 mod by Anthony Greenhill.

Greenhill's 5 Layer Square-1A Square-1 transformation by Anthony Greenhill.
Greenhill's CubeA 3x3x3 with tilted axis system.
Greenhill's DodecahedronThis clever custom-built Square-1 skin was created by Anthony Greenhill.

Greenhill's IcosahedronA Square-1 transformed into the shape of icosahedron.
Greenhill's Offset Square-1A Square-1 with an axis tilted inside its solid.
Greenhill's TetrahedronA Square-1 transformed into the shape of a tetrahedron.

Greg's HelimateA hybrid puzzle which combines Helicopter Dodecahedron and Pentultimate.
GrenadeLooks like a Space Massager with three layers and black body.
Grenade PuzzleA skewb covered with 3D printed extensions giving it the shape somewhere between a sphere and a cylinder.

Grenade cuboidA 3x3x5 redesigned from scratch and bandaged.
GretaVexA sticker variant of the Gripple. Made to make the puzzle more difficult.
Grey CubeThis standard-sized cube is made from grey plastic instead of black and has pastel coloured stickers.

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